Best physiotherapy yonge
physiotherapy in yonge
Physical therapy or physiotherapy is a healthcare profession dedicated to working with people to identify and promote mobility, functional ability, quality of life and movement potential. Physiotherapists work with all age groups and with a wide range of health conditions. Pain management, rehabilitation from acute injury, management of chronic conditions are just a few examples where a physiotherapist can help.physiotherapy in thornhill Since physiotherapy is not limited to rehabilitation of injury and the effects of disease or disability, a physiotherapist also provides education and advice for health promotion, disease and trauma prevention. Physiotherapy treatment can include therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, electrical modalities such as TENS or ultrasound, and work hardening.
LASER stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation." Using LASER in physiotherapy is a relatively new method of treatment. The significant effects of LASER in the healing process in our body have made this tool very popular and highly demanding by physicians, physiotherapists as well as clients.
It has been proven that using LASER in physiotherapy:
- Reduces inflammation
- Relieves the pain
- Accelerates the regeneration process in damaged soft tissues
- Reduces lymphedema
In a wide range of orthopedic and neurological problems such as back pain, knee pain, tendinopathy, ischatica , muscle strain, soreness and many other issues, LASER Therapy is one of the best and most effective methods.
What does LASER do in my body?
The light energy of LASER is absorbed by the injured tissues and transformed into the chemical energy demanded by the injured tissues to speed up the healing process.
In addition, LASER increases the level of natural pain relief in our blood circulation system.
Our highly educated and experienced physiotherapists will find out and explain if LASER therapy is suitable for you.

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Best physiotherapy in yonge